The DC CommuniTyler project spent the gorgeous Saturday outside removing 10 bags of invasive plants, installing 3 new trail signs, building 5 new large trail steps and laying down 1 truckload of dirt. For the second DC CommuniTyler event in a row we were able to escape the hustle and bustle of our nation’s capital to spend a day outdoors enjoying nature–one of Ty’s favorite activities.
“CommuniTyler creates community in the truest sense of the word. In DC, an otherwise loosely connected group of people spent an afternoon together doing maintenance work in Rock Creek Park with the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club. We cleaned up paths, built steps to make trails more accessible and removed invasive species. Tyler forged a connection with everyone he met, even briefly, and his memory gave our group a clear sense of purpose: to be connected with each other, with the environment and the world around us. Everyone who walks these trails in Rock Creek Park from here on out will be connected to Ty and be lucky enough to share, albeit indirectly, in his infectious good feeling.”
−Andrew Prince