December 3, 2011 Event
CommuniTyler brought together 400 volunteers across 15 sites.
Here are their stories:

6 random acts of kindness
Ann Arbor, MI

5 rooms and three stairwells painted
Boston, MA

240 kids with better classrooms
Chicago, IL

13 christmas wishes fulfilled
Denver, CO

500 invasive plants removed
Evanston, IL

3 houses painted and restored
South Hampton Roads, VA

26 hands removed trash from Venice Beach
Los Angeles, CA

2,500 feet of lakeshore
Madison, WI

400 saltwater grass starters planted
Mill Valley, CA

16 bags of litter removed
NASA Langley, Hampton, VA

3 miles of trail cleared
New York City, NY

1,209 books collected and donated
Omaha, NE

387 native plants planted
San Francisco, CA

18 urban trees planted
San Francisco, CA

500 cans of food collected and donated
St Louis, MO

288 inches of cribbing installed
Washington D.C.