Here in San Francisco, 35ish new friends came together to team up with Friends of the Urban Forest. The organization provided us with plants, gloves, kneepads and shovels then set us to work planting flowers, herbs, succulents and palms along two city blocks. Even though there were so many of us, everyone had something meaningful to do! We had a great mix of Ty’s high school friends, college friends, and some who had never even met Ty. Friends of the Urban Forest does an amazing job beautifying urban spaces with greenery–something we know Ty would have loved! Cheers to coordinators Andrew Prince, Frank Bauch and Mal Usen for organizing!
After, about a third of our group traveled north to Marin County to join forces with the other Bay-area CommuniTyler for a big potluck picnic. The intergenerational banter and beer drinking was delightful.
View previous CommuniTyler Events in San Francisco: 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011