Volunteers helped out at the Hudson River Community Sailing’s annual Dark and Stormy Gala where proceeds help develop leadership qualities in underserved youth through sailing education and maritime recreation
“There have been many times throughout the past year where I’ve found myself thinking, ‘Ty would love this,’ but New York’s May CommuniTY event takes the cake. This spring, we volunteered at Hudson River Community Sailing’s (HRCS) annual Dark and Stormy Gala. HRCS, a local NYC nonprofit, helps develop leadership in underserved youth through sailing education and maritime recreation. Not only do they teach kids how to make boats and to sail, but they teach math and science using sailing as a teaching and learning medium. Kids + Sailing + Math + Science = Tyler.
At the event, which was held at NYC’s beloved Frying Pan (a bar on a docked boat in the Hudson River), we helped HRCS check-in guests, distribute food, and sell raffle tickets (helping them raise over $2,000 within 2.5 hours!). Throughout the night we were able to mingle, dance and have fun with a boat-full of people who love sailing and supporting the great work of HRCS.After sneaking chocolate cake up to the roof of the Frying Pan, we had some time to come together as a group and reflect on memories of Tyler and lessons he taught us that we carry with us today. The consensus was clear: we will never stop learning from Ty. As our NY CommuniTY group grows stronger each season, we can’t wait to see what he’ll teach us next. ”
−Hannah Robbins
“Mere words cannot express how thankful I am to [all the] CommuniTyler volunteers that helped out last night. You all made last night the most smoothly and efficiently run fundraiser we have ever had. Although I could not be with all of you at all times last night, everyone I spoke to said the CommuniTyler volunteers went above and beyond in every way in their individual tasks and not once did any CommuniTyler volunteer display anything but warmth, hospitality, and friendliness to everyone they interacted with. Although I never knew Tyler, I can tell he must have been a very special human being to have so many wonderful people helping out in his honor and I imagine Tyler was smiling and very proud of all your efforts last night. ”
−Alex (Hudson River Community Sailing)
“The event was a great way to honor Ty and the things he felt passionate about – sailing, spending time with good people, and helping out. The night went extremely well and I am so proud to be part of such a great group. Thanks to everyone! ”
−Alia Samhat