In 2011, Communityler coordinate two events in the Hampton area. At NASA Langley, CommuniTyler teamed up with Langley Emerging Professionals to clean up trash near the Langley gate and beautify the grounds of Tyler’s workplace. At sites in Norfolk, Portsmouth and Virginia Beach, three groups of volunteers worked with Habitat for Humanity to build homes for families in need.
It was an amazing experience to be able to come together to honor the life of a fellow intern. Our group helped restore the house of a low-income family through Habitat for Humanity in the South Hampton Roads Center. We replaced floorboards, porches, siding, and gave the walls a fresh coat of paint, all while having a fun. While we did not have the pleasure of ever getting to know Tyler, we hope that we were able to carry on his generous spirit by giving back our time to the community.
−Gabriela Agostini
Although I barely knew Tyler, his genuine kindness made a lasting impression on me. We first met at a potluck luncheon at NASA where Tyler brought a delicious casserole dish to share. A few weeks later, I joined a group of friends at Saddle Ridge to learn line dancing. When Tyler saw me, he walked up to me and gave me a big hug! Being a part of CommuniTyler is my way of hugging Tyler, as well as all of his close friends, back. On December 3, I was part of a group of CommuniTyler volunteers who joined forces with the Langley Emerging Professionals Committee to clean up trash near the Langley gate. We picked a buddy and while removing Styrofoam cups, plastic water bottles and the ever−present plastic grocery bag, enjoyed the brisk, sunny weather while spending time in small talk. Time flew. I do miss Tyler, just like everyone else who volunteered today; however, I believe that Tyler can still be with us, in our hearts and in our actions.
−Roberta DiPasquale