To restore the Mill Valley marsh, volunteers gathered to for a morning of pruning, planting and mulching with Save the Bay
Our CommuniTyler Day of restoring native plant species at Bothin Marsh (in Tyler’s hometown of Mill Valley) began with Kurt and Robin teaching a group of middle−aged parents the Project Wildcat Shakedown! It might sound silly to say that I got all choked up shaking my arms and legs in the air but I knew that this was the sort of goofy activity that Tyler would have used to bring people together. Our SAVE THE SAN FRANCISCO BAY work was really gratifying − we were improving a section of the shore of Richardson Bay − directly across from Ty’s high school! It felt great to be having fun while doing what Tyler did so naturally…make the world a little bit of a better place! I am already looking forward to each and every May so that I can shake my arms and legs in the air, serve a community need and pay homage to one very great guy!
−Peggy Sharyon