The sun was shinning, though not too warmly as we worked in the garden at Homeward Bound, part of the homeless shelter in Marin. There were forty one hearty and enthusiastic volunteers who were pulling weeds, tiling the soil, shoveling sh*t and planting seedlings that will yield food for the homeless. This being Spring in Marin we were faced with a considerable amount of already actively growing weeds. Ten wheel barrows later we had cleared most all of them. The tradition at our garden even is for a women to plant the fist seedling. Dave, the foreman for the garden insists that since women create life it is only fitting (and has been good luck).
Since this was our third year at the garden were able to see the bounty coming from previous years efforts, 20 Artichoke plants in full bloom! We ended the day on the waterfront in San Francisco at a joint party with the San Francisco crew. It was a perfect day to meet new friends!
View previous Communityler Events in the Marin County/Mill Valley area: 2013, 2012, 2011