CommuniTyler volunteers came out to join dozens of other volunteers from the area to help out with River Day 2012. River day is dedicated to helping restore the natural habitat surrounding the Cuyahoga River within the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. We worked for 3 hours, using cloppers and hand saws to remove invasive shrub species that clog up the land and choke out the native plants.
“My girlfriend convinced me to join the CommuniTyler volunteer day, as I don’t usually seek out community service opportunities myself, though I love the outdoors and I was happy to lend my support to an organization and a service activity that seemed worthwhile. When we reached the location I was surprised and impressed that our CommuniTyler group joined with so many other volunteers from the surrounding areas. The number of volunteers and the enthusiasm they carried with them was inspiring and infectious. After 3 hours of difficult but very rewarding work, we had completely reshaped the riverbank. Where there was once an impenetrable jungle of shrubs and thorny invaders, one could now easily walk between the native trees, which looked much more comfortable having the space to breathe and grow. I was enormously satisfied with the change we had effected in only a few short hours, and it made me very aware of how much good can come from the efforts of a few determined individuals willing to work together. ”