Twenty-two enthusiastic volunteers show up at Homeward Bound of Marin New Beginnings Garden to remove weeds and plant vegetables.
“We had hats, gloves, water bottles and the resilient Kurt and Robin Lorenzi. Team CommuniTyler arrived at Novato’s Homeward Bound to work in the Edible Organic Garden. With a moment for remembrance, a good cry, and the best leg shake north of the Golden Gate Bridge, we grabbed handy spades and trowels to dig in and help make it a better place. It truly was a beautiful May morning. We weeded and planted while bluebirds and swallows swooped down from their garden birdhouses to feed their chirping babies. They were well aware the disturbed earth from weeding reveals nice worms and bugs. Robin, braving crutches, planted the ceremonial first cucumber plant, a symbol of rejuvenation, as the group applauded and cheered.
After the sweat of a hard day’s work, the gang then headed to the Lorenzi’s to enjoy a wonderful Fiesta Lunch and to share stories with the Muir Beach creek cleanup group. To cap the days events, Lauren released butterflies as a symbol of life while Robin read a poem that captured the voice and spirit of Tyler. We watched and listened as the ethereal, flitting, gently floating colors spread their wings and landed on our heads and hands. It was lovely. But there was nothing more amazing than the Lorenzi family and spending time with them. All day long we got to celebrate friendship and enjoy life. And in the end, there was nothing more rewarding than a chance to dig in, get dirty and do something to remember Tyler.”