What is CommuniTyler?
CommuniTyler is a community service organization that helps communities perform service projects on synchronized days. Though the work and location of each project is unique, through CommuniTyler, we create a larger community of givers, all working together to improve our world.
Why community service?
Tyler Lorenzi, CommuniTyler’s namesake, was a giver. He gave of his time and energy to others, especially those he didn’t know. To celebrate his memory, we aim to do the same.
How do I get involved?
Anyone can lead a CommuniTyler event! Pick a day (typically a Saturday in May), pick a place to volunteer, and tell your friends about it. CommuniTyler tradition is to provide snacks and coffee for your volunteering friends, and we also encourage “after parties” at a park, brewery or your home. A CommuniTyler day should be equal parts work and play.
What sort of projects count?
Ty had a passion for bringing smiles to those around him through random acts of kindness. For your CommuniTyler project, find an organization that does the same, speaks to your personal interests and aligns with Ty’s core belief that “Life is Good.” Anything counts, from taking an underprivileged young lady prom dress shopping to cleaning up a local beach to walking dogs at an animal shelter.
Once I’ve done my CommuniTyler service, how do I share my story?
Post to social media with the hashtag #communityler. Follow that tag to see photos and stories from the smiles that Ty’s memory continues to generate.
Who was Tyler Lorenzi?
To learn more about the man behind the mission, check out Ty’s Story.